COSC 419: Learning Analytics

A5: DBN Simulations [24 pts]

Due date: Mar 22, 2020, 11:59pm

What to submit:

Submit the following on Connect:

Specific Instructions

Use Matlab and the BNT for this assignment. The slides referenced in these instructions refer to the DBN Simulation lecture (slides).

  1. Download the following and re-produce the examples in class (do it in the order suggested):

  2. Create a new model (or adapt the one from the previous question) so that you infer where the user needs help. This DBN will be encoded in a file called mk_needhelp.m. Specifically, your model should look like this:

    where NeedHelp is a binary variable (false, true), TaskTime is a tertiary variable (too short, on task, too long), and Correct is a binary variable (false, true). Define the necessary CPTs using meaningful numbers that reflect your model intuitions. Be sure to document your model intuitions above your CPT definitions. Note: For simplicity, assume the observation functions are the same across time, so you will only need to define 4 CPTs (2 observation functions, 1 transition function, 1 prior distribution) in total.

  3. Create a simulation environment called sim_needhelp_decision.m that is modeled after sim_hints_decision.m so that it includes the following:
Grading Criteria