Specific courses include:

Sample Project Videos from Learning Analytics

More to come...

Sample Project Videos from Mobile Educational Game Development

The course was structured so that the lectures enable students to learn about pedagogical theories and case studies on educational games. The first assignment asked students to sample example mobile educational games and analyze their pedagogical and usability effectiveness. The remaining assignments and course project led students to develop their own game that teaches either introductory Japanese to university students or elementary school Mathematics to grade schoolers. As part of their final project submission, students were asked to produce a "promo" video of their game.

Math Odessy: by Duncan Szarmes and Matthew Bojey

Monkey Mischief: by Paige Regalado

Kana Blocks: by Ethan Owusu

Hiragana Jump: by Kai Hsu

Math Gladiators: by Raffi Kudlac and Bryce Paterson

Project Video from Intelligent User Interfaces

This course reviews case studies that apply probabilistic modeling techniques in making software smarter and more usable for people across a variety of domains. Students were to propose a project that make use of AI techniques, apply them to a real world application context, and report on their leanring outcomes from the project.

WorkSmart: by Matthew Bojey and Ethan Owusu
Who really works productively from 9-5 everyday without a break? Even so, you may not want to get caught by your boss if you are checking emails or your friends' Facebook status. The WorkSmart program is designed to protect people from being spotted while they are taking a break on the job. Input: Camera data to learn who is approaching the employee's work station and language data to determine whether the employee is currently working or not. Back-end: Employs expected utility theory to decide if the work station should automatically switch to a work page on the employee's behalf.

Sample Project Videos from Software Engineering

Drunkbot ... with Knowledge from the Internet
April 2013
By: Ethan Willower

Drunkbot ... with API Abilities
April 2013
By: Adam Miller

ChatVader 2.0
March 2013
By: Pamela Gunawan

ChatVader 3.0
April 2013
By: Pamela Gunawan

CodeBot that teaches Java
April 2013
By: Ethan Owusu

Crazy Girlfriend
December 2012
By: Brittany Nicol