# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Sep 27 15:57:16 2020

@author: jbobowsk

# This function finds all of the prime numbers between integer inputs a and
# b with b > a.  The function returns an array of the prime numbers listed
# in sequential order and an integer equal to the number of prime numbers
# that exist between a and b.

# Note that the syntax 'y % x' results in the remainder of y/x.  Therefore,
# 'y % 1' has a remainder of zero if and only if y is an integer.

def primes_adv(a, b):
     piN = [] # Initialize an empty array
     if a % 1 == 0 and b % 1 == 0 and a > 0 and b > 0 and b > a: # This first
         # if statement checks to see if a and b are positive integers with
         # b > a.  If any of the conditions fail, an error message is returned.  
         import numpy as np 
         import pandas as pd
         # with open('primes_list.txt', 'r') as f:
         #     lineList = f.readlines()
         # with open("primes_list.txt", "ab") as f:
         #        if len(lineList[-1].split('\n')) == 1:
         #             f.write(b"\n")
         # The lines above (commented out) check to see if the last entry in primes_list.txt
         # is followed by an end of line indicator ("/n").  This is needed to ensure that the
         # format of the file is maintained as new prime numbers are added to the list.  If
         # the end of line is missing, then the progam will add it before starting the search
         # from primes.  If we can assume that the user is supplying a properly formatted
         # list of primes, we can omit the check.
         primeMax = int(np.loadtxt("primes_max.txt")) # Read in the largest prime found so far.
         primeNums = pd.read_csv("./primes_list.txt", delimiter="\n", header = None).values[:, 0]
         # Read the sequential list of primes into a list.  I found that the 'pandas' module was
         # much faster than 'nupmy.loadtxt()'.
         if b <= primeMax: # % If b is less than primeMax, then there's no need to search, 
             #just extract the needed the prime numbers from the list.
             i = 0
             while i <= len(primeNums) - 1 and primeNums[i] <= b:
                 if primeNums[i] >= a:
                     piN = piN + [primeNums[i]] #% Add prime numbers to piN if the prime 
                     #is greater than or equal to 'a' and less than our equal to 'b'.
                 i += 1 # Increment i by 1.  Equivalent to i = i + 1
             f = np.array(piN) # Convert the prime list to an array. 
             n = len(f) # Get the total number of primes found.
         elif b > primeMax: # % If 'b' is larger than the largest previously found prime, 
             # then we have to do some searching.
              for i in range(primeMax + 1, int(b) + 1): # % Start the search from at the 
                  # interger that is one greater than the largest prime number in our list 
                  # of known primes.  Stop the search when we reach 'b'.
                  cnt = 0 # Counter variable used to stop the while loop.
                  if i != 1 and i % 2 == 1 and sum(map(int, str(i))) % 3 != 0\
                  and i % 10 != 5 or i == 2 or i == 3 or i == 5: # We only need to consider odd integers,
                    # integers in which the sum of the digits of the number is not divisible by 3, 
                    # integers that are not divisible by 5, and the numbers 2, 3, and 5 (the first few primes).
                      j = 3 # % Start from the fourth item is primes_list (2, 3, 5, 7) which is the number 7.  
                      # We don't have to check 2, 3, 5 because the if statement above has already done this.
                      # Note that, this means prime_max.txt must be at least 7 and primes_list.txt must at 
                      # least contain 2, 3, 5, 7.
                      while primeNums[j] < i/primeNums[j - 1] and cnt == 0:
                          # % Execute the loop while primeNums[j] < i/primeNums[j - 1] and while cnt = 0 
                          # (i.e. no factors of i have been found).
                          # This is the line that makes this search more effieicent than that of 'primes()'.  
                          # First, it only checks if the known prime numbers are factors of i.  
                          # Second, it cuts off the search once primeNums[j] < i/primeNums[j - 1]. The reason 
                          # for dividing i by primeNums[j - 1] is the following:
                          # If primeNums(j) is not a factor of i, then it's guaranteed that i will not have any 
                          # factors larger than i/primeNums[j - 1].   
                          # Take 25, for example.  j = 3 is not a factor of 25, so any number greater than 
                          # 25/3 = 8.33 cannot be a factor of 25.  
                          if i % primeNums[j] == 0: # Check if i/primeNums(j) has a remainder.  If it doesn't, 
                              # then i is not prime and cnt set equal to one.
                              cnt = 1
                              primeMax = i # Increase the value of the largest number checked for "primeness".
                          j += 1 # Increment j for the next iteration of the while loop.
                      if cnt == 0: # If the while loop completes and cnt = 0, then i is prime.
                          primeMax = i # Increase the value of the largest number checked for "primeness".
                          primeNums = np.append(primeNums, i) # Add i to the list of prime numbers.
                          np.savetxt('primes_max.txt', np.array([primeMax]), fmt='%i', delimiter='\n') 
                          # Update primes_max.txt
                          with open("primes_list.txt", "ab") as f:
                              np.savetxt(f, np.array([i]), fmt='%i') # Update primes_list.txt
                      primeMax = i # If it's not necessary to check if i is prime (i.e. i is even or a 
                      # factor of 3 or a factor of 5), then increase the value of the largest number 
                      # checked for "primeness".
                      # np.savetxt('primes_max.txt', np.array([primeMax]), fmt='%i', delimiter='\n')
                      # We could update primes_max.txt, but I commented out the line above to save time 
                      # (i.e. not necessary to constantly update primes_max.txt.
              np.savetxt('primes_max.txt', np.array([primeMax]), fmt='%i', delimiter='\n') 
              # The search has ended, so update primes_max.txt.
              i = 0
              while i <= len(primeNums) - 1 and primeNums[i] <= b: # Now that the search is done, 
                  # extract the needed the prime numbers from the updated list.
                  if primeNums[i] >= a:
                      piN = piN + [primeNums[i]]
                  i += 1
              f = np.array(piN) # Convert the prime list to an array. 
              n = len(f) # Get the total number of primes found.
         f = 'ERROR: a and b in primes(a, b) must be positive integers with b > a.'
         n = -1 # Return an error message due to bad inputs.
     return f, n