COSC 122 - Computer Fluency
Lab 6: JavaScript - Basics

In this lab, we will learn to write simple JavaScript programs.

JavaScript Programming

We will use Aptana to write JavaScript code inside of our web pages. Remember that JavaScript code is part of a web page, so you must save your web page with a .html extension. The JavaScript code is inside a script tag.

TASK: Open Aptana (Start->All Programs->Aptana) and create a new project. Choose your F:\COSC122\lab6 folder as your workspace. Cancel the Git Support Configuration if you are asked.

TASK: To create a new project, select File->New->Project...

TASK: In the next window, under the General tab pick Project and click the Next button.

TASK: In the next window, enter Lab 6 for a name then click Finish.

TASK: Select your Project Explorer. To create a new HTML file, right-click on your project name (Lab 6) and select New From Template->HTML->HTML - 4.01 Strict Template. Call the file HelloWorld_JS.html. Make sure the new file is created inside the project Lab 6!

Insert the javascript code below between the body tags of your HTML file.

TASK: Preview your code by clicking on the Show Preview Editor icon.

Example Problem Solving

As practice, let's consider how we could create a program that does these things:

  1. Asks the user for a number with a pop-up prompt screen.
  2. Asks the user for a second number with a pop-up prompt screen.
  3. Adds the first number and second number together to produce a result.
  4. Displays the result to the user in an alert window.

Think about how you would solve the problem for a minute. In a new file called addTwoNumbers.html, try to write the code yourself. Did your code solve the problem? Most likely, you were close, but when you used "+" JavaScript performed string concatenation instead of number addition. It did that because the window.prompt method returns strings even when the strings actually look like numbers. What you need to know is a method called parseInt(str) that will convert a string (str) into a number. See the answer below:

var number1 = window.prompt("Enter a number:");
var number2 = window.prompt("Enter a number:");
var result = parseInt(number1)+parseInt(number2);

You can also download the answer. A screenshot is below.

Lab Tasks

You will create two separate JavaScript programs to submit in the assignment. The first should be saved in a file called lab6_1.html and the second in a file called lab6_2.html.

Task #1

Create a program that:

  1. Has a comment in the JavaScript code with your name and student number.
  2. Asks the user for their first name with a pop-up prompt screen.
  3. Asks the user for their last name with a pop-up prompt screen.
  4. Performs string concatenation to combine their first and last names into a full name.
  5. Displays the user's full name in an alert window.

Task #2

Create an improved program compared to task 1 that:

  1. Asks the user for their name with a pop-up prompt screen.
  2. Asks the user for their age with a pop-up prompt screen.
  3. Asks the user for their birth year with a pop-up prompt screen.
  4. Determines if the user has had a birthday or not this year based on their age and birth year.
  5. Determines if their age is even or odd.
  6. Writes into the HTML document in a H2 tag if they have had a birthday this year, their name, birth year, and if their age is even or odd.

    Result for Joe Smith, 23, and 1990

    Result for Joe Smith, 18, and 1996

Submission Instructions and Marking

For this lab assignment, submit using Blackboard Connect your two answer files lab6_1.html and lab6_2.html.

Grading (20 Marks Total)

  1. Task 1 (5 marks)
  2. Task 2 (15 marks)
