1. a) [1] Create a database with your student ID. Ex. curl -X PUT localhost:5984/49498108 b) [1] Create a document in your database with following properties: First name(as _id), age, and the programming languages you know Ex. curl -X PUT localhost:5984/49498108/nicholas -d "{\"age\":18,\"languages\":[\"Java\",\"PHP\"]}" curl -X GET localhost:5984/49498108/nicholas c) [1] Update your document to store your last name as well. Ex. curl -X PUT localhost:5984/494948108/nicholas?rev=your_rev -d "{\"lastname\":\"Kroeker\"}" d) [1] Delete the document that you have created. Ex. curl -X DELETE localhost:5984/49498108/nicholas?rev=your_rev e) [4] Use the Futon UI to do the exact same tasks as above. Explain in your submission how you went about each task, and comment on your preference between Futon and cURL. Ans: Just expecting general explanation of each task above done in Futon. They will be simple answers like "clicked on document, then clicked delete". They must comment on Futon vs. cURL 2. a) [2] Show all RPG-type (role-playing-game) games. MAP: function(doc) { if (doc.genre=="RPG") { emit(null, doc._id); } } REDUCE: None. b) [2] Show all players (name and score) for Action games. MAP: function(doc) { if (doc.genre=="Action") { for (var i =0 in doc.players) { emit(doc.players[i].name, doc.players [i].score); } } } REDUCE: _sum c) [3] Count how many players currently play RTS-type (real-time-strategy) games. MAP: function(doc) { if (doc.genre=="RTS") { if (doc.players) { for (var i =0 in doc.players) { emit("Count", doc.players[i].score); } } } } REDUCE: _count d) [3] Find each player's score across all games. MAP: function(doc) { if (doc.players) { for (var i = 0 in doc.players) { emit(doc.players[i].name,doc.players[i].score); } } } REDUCE: _sum