22C:144 Database Systems

Fall 2005 - University of Iowa


This was my third time teaching 22C:144 Database Systems. The class was basically unchanged from the second offering in Fall 2004. This class is a really exciting class where students learn the core database fundamentals and get to apply them on an interesting project. The major difference this time is the class was given over the Internet as well (via taping my laptop screen). There were 14 of the 59 students registered remotely and many in-class students used the Internet lectures as well. Class attendence was very good even with the availability of online lectures (questions and candy always helps). The class had a mixture of graduate (44% percent) and undergraduate students (56% percent). The class consisted of two exams, some programming assignments, and a major group project. Most students really enjoyed the project, which was building an online store such as MyAmazon.com. More emphasis was placed on JSP programming and examples. Overall, the project was well received and will continue to be a core component of teaching this class in the future.

When teaching large classes I try to encourage every student to not only pass, but do their absolute best. I also strive for a very interactive class where the students are actively involved in the discussion and solving problems. Most students really enjoyed the class and indicated they would recommend the class to other students. The pass rate was 93% mostly because 3 students delayed writing the exam and then never did write it.

The class was taught in 2217 Seamens Center from 10:55-12:10 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. The room was excellent, and we had a good timeslot.

On-line Resources

Student Performance

Of the 59 registered students who started the course, 55 passed the course (3 received fail/incomplete, 1 D) for a very high 93% pass rate. The average GPA was 2.96 or just below a B. Charts showing the mark breakdown are below. Although the average GPA was relatively high, the threshold for A+ was set very high, and only 14 students got an "A". The average GPA reflects the fact that all students put in the effort to do a good project and exams. I was happy with the mark breakdown which adequately reflected student effort.

Mark Breakdown Percentage Mark Breakdown


What Students Liked Most About the Course

Overall the comments were quite positive especially about the practical benefit of the project.

What Students Liked Least About the Course

The course suffered a little this offering due to my hectic travel schedule (I missed 8 lectures). As usual, the amount of work required for the course is an issue. There was also a major issue with the actual recording of lectures. Since only I had a microphone and only the screen was taped, it became an issue for remote students when students asked questions and became challenging during the lecture to remember to repeat questions and have all lecture discussion visible on the tape.

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