COSC 404 Database System Implementation

Spring (Winter Term 2) 2016 - University of British Columbia Okanagan


COSC 404 provides an overview of how database systems are built including topics such as query processing, transactions, concurrency, and reliability. Although the course provides foundational material for students that will engage in database research, it is also designed to provide practical knowledge and programming experience that relates to other areas such as operating systems and networks and allows all computer scientists to improve their skills in data management.

On-line Resources

Student Performance

Of the 50 registered students who started the course, 45 received a C- or above. The average GPA was 2.97.

Mark Breakdown Percentage Mark Breakdown


The COSC 404 course was successful this semester (course rating: 4.6, instructor rating: 4.8). The labs were substantially improved and expanded the previous offering and fine-tuned this time. Weekly homework assignments were updated but will be further changed next offering. Clickers were used for the second time in the course with very good success. A bonus mark for showing the TA an answer in the lab was introduced and was very successful. This will be used wherever possible in future courses. COSC 404 is by far the hardest course I teach with difficulty similar to Stanford/MIT and more demanding than UBC Vancouver.

Strengths of the Course

Weakness of the Course

Most Enjoyable Part of the Course

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